How much does your dog love thee? Let us count the ways…These five behaviors are a Valentine from your dog. Look for these signs that indicate a deep connection that goes far past a room-and-board relationship.
Read More »How much does your dog love thee? Let us count the ways…These five behaviors are a Valentine from your dog. Look for these signs that indicate a deep connection that goes far past a room-and-board relationship.
Read More »Today is World Spay Day. Today is important because getting your pets fixed could very well save their lives. According to Pets.WebMD.Com, here are just a few of the reasons why you should spay and neuter your pets… Your female pet will live a longer, healthier life. Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast cancer, which
Read More »Use the right dog-greeting techniques and you’ll improve your bond. Recent research shows that the way you greet your dog after a short or long separation makes a huge difference to the dog.
Read More »Millennials are opting to buy more expensive pet food, and it’s causing problems for some of the industry’s household names.
Read More »A wonderful way to communicate and bond with your cat is through touch. This is really no surprise as domestic cats and humans are naturally drawn to each other physically. Cats love the stroking and petting humans offer, and humans love to feel a feline’s silky soft fur. But did you know that when properly performed, the power of touch, in the form of massage, can be therapeutic for cats? Here is a list of the primary benefits of massaging your feline:
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