Stay-N-Play Pet Ranch Texas Summer Safety Tips

  • When temperatures are high, our pets can become dehydrated. Make sure they have plenty of fresh, clean water with lots of shade to help keep them cool.
  • Understanding the symptoms of an overheated pet. It can range from excessive panting or breathing, drooling, weakness, or even collapsing.  Over heat exposure can lead to seizures, bloody diarrhea and even vomiting.
  • DO NOT leave your pet alone in a park car during a Texas Summer. We provide day care services for when you are in need of someone looking after your pets for the day.
  • Always supervise your dog when around a pool. Some dogs are not good swimmers.  Give them floatation devices to help them and gradually introduce them to water. Be sure to rinse off your dog after a pool swim, to remove chlorine or salt from their fur.
  • Some common pesticides and lawn and garden insecticides can be harmful to your pets if ingested. Call your veterinarian immediately if you believe they have ingested some.
  • Some foods at a summer barbecue can be poisonous to pets. DO NOT feed them raisins, grapes, onions, and chocolate.
  • Hot asphalt can be dangerous to your pet’s sensitive paws. Walk your pet on grass, in the early morning, or a few hours after the sun has set to protect them from burning their paws.

Let us have a safe summer together.  With these safety tips in mind, you can protect your animals this summer.